The vibrant colours of Henry take on a magical appearance in dimmed lighting, or by the flickering of a real fire.
We adore the intense, rich, regal colours of the Henry wallpaper, which reveals its hidden depths and details which aren't apparent from afar but show themselves the more and the closer one studies it.
The layering evokes the way one might find in a historical home layers of paper and paint built up over time and waiting to be uncovered. Traces of different centuries and eras combine together to say something new.
Blackpop's 'Tudors Deconstructed' collection was produced in collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery, mixing details and motifs from the 16th century masterpieces with textures revealed using new photographic techniques.
Why not use Henry to give 'wow' factor to a cosy study or snug? In any space, Henry is a guaranteed conversation starter.