Max McCance

Inspired by tactile, woody seed pods from the forest floor.
The inspiration behind pieces such as the Strobilus Table are clear but the technical know-how and patient assembly that goes into each piece are also very impressive. There is probably an aspect of this that appeals to the scientific or mathematically minded, given the advance planning and accuracy needed to assemble all the separate pieces.
We ourselves prefer to sit back and enjoy the overall effect of the beautifully finished occasional table. The Strobilus Table is pleasing to behold, with its bulbous, egg-shaped lower part and smoked oak timber.
Due to its taller proportions, this table is a perfect height for sitting on top an interesting object or sculpture, making it a focal point in your space. We have used the Strobilus Table to place on top a sympathetically shaped, curvy-contoured lamp base or sculpture.
The fumed oak timber looks stunning in its infancy but will also age wonderfully over time. And as with many pieces of furniture in the AUTHOR collections, we have selected this tall side table knowing that it can enhance either a traditional, period or contemporary space.